Yard Drainage Solutions
Our team at Perma-Seal offers permanent solutions for yard drainage problems for Chicago area home and business owners.
Fixing yard drainage problems can help to keep water from accumulating near the foundation of your home and entering the basement and causing the need for a waterproofing system to be installed. We have solutions to keep the water flowing in the right direction (away from your home), by making sure your gutters, downspouts and window wells are working properly. When you have water puddling or pooling in your yard you may find yourself asking “Why is it important to stop or prevent yard flooding?” but we have the answers.
When you have moisture building up your lawn, it’s never a good thing. It’s going to eventually make its way into the ground and seep into your basement through the cove joint, or through wall or floor cracks. This water can cause serious damage to this space below your home – it will damage a nicely finished basement and could certainly ruin any family heirlooms or important items that are stored down there. Additionally, the added moisture and humidity can lead to the growth of nasty mold and bacteria, which will eventually make its way upstairs into your main living space.
It’s also important to keep excess rain water from flooding your lawn if you have a garden or landscaped area. This could kill your plants, and it’s also going to be very inviting to mosquitoes. Needless to say, this is not something you want on your lawn, so call us for the most effective yard and drainage solutions for your home!
Common Yard Drainage Problems
Fixing yard drainage problems can help to keep water from accumulating near the foundation of your home and entering the basement and causing the need for a waterproofing system to be installed. We have solutions to keep the water flowing in the right direction (away from your home), by making sure your gutters, downspouts and window wells are working properly. When you have water puddling or pooling in your yard you may find yourself asking “Why is it important to stop or prevent yard flooding?” but we have the answers.
Water Accumulating Near Foundation
If there is water accumulation around the foundation of your house because that is where your downspouts drain or your above-ground extensions get knocked off, it is imperative that you extend your downspouts your downspouts away from your house permanently. Dumping large amounts of water near your foundation can cause your sump pump to run excessively. Even more concerning is the impact of the water around your foundation can cause the underlying soil to move unevenly, which could lead to structural problems that require foundation repairs.
Sump Pump Discharge Line Freezes
Unless your discharge has a way to always let the water out, it will freeze in the wintertime and cause several problems for you. If the end of the pipe is frozen shut, the water that your sump pump ejects will come right back into the basin and cause your pump to run excessively. This can cause your electric bills to be much higher than necessary as the pump will be running near constantly.
This can also lead to a mechanical failure of your pump from begin overworked which can lead to the water eventually flooding back into the basement.
Yard Drainage Solutions
While the causes of yard drainage can vary from home to home, there are a few products and methods that we have successfully used over the years that can improve the overall drainage that is happening on your property.
Underground Downspout Extensions
Installing a system of underground downspout extensions can help ensure water is not dumping straight into your yard but instead into a controlled area away from the home. The underground downspout extension system we install will ensure water is moved far from your home, will remain clog free, will help reduce erosion in your lawn, and can be installed under most sidewalks.
We also offer underground extension for your sump pump discharge lines, which will prevent your sump pump from discharging right next to your house and causing soil erosion or even seeping right back into your basement.
A proper discharge line for a sump pump shouldn’t end at the foundation wall. If it does, discharged water could easily seep back into your basement or crawl space. The proper solution is to install a discharge pipe that slopes away from the foundation of your home.
During winter in the Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana areas, the weather often dips below 32 degrees for extended periods of time. If your discharge line pipe is blocked with debris or frozen water, your sump pump will continue to run but the system won’t expel water due to that blockage. The end result is water in your basement or crawl space, and the strong possibility of your pump overheating and failing.
Perma-Seal uses the specially designed IceGuard™ which automatically allows water to escape through its perforations when the rest of the pipe on a discharge line is frozen or blocked. There are no valves or hoses to attach, so it is maintenance-free. Additionally, the IceGuard™ is a secondary protection system that will ensure any volume of water discharging from a sump pump doesn’t backup into a basement or crawl space and is expelled outside.
Contact Us For Yard Drainage Solutions in Chicago and NW Indiana
If you’d like to schedule a consultation with a member of our team to discuss a yard drainage solutions for your home, please contact us today.
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Thanks for your help Arthur!
Preventive Maintenance Service
Christian was very straightforward and let me know it was time to change my battery. He then did it on the spot. Thank you