Can you recognize the signs of structural damage? Many homeowners experience the symptoms of structural foundation problems, but may not even realize it. It’s a common myth that homeowners believe their home is just settling. This “just settling” is actually an indication there is movement and shifting of the foundation, and your house is NOT supposed to move!
The following are some signs that point to potential structural damage to your home’s foundation:
- Stair-stepping cracks along exterior brickwork or caulking
- Uneven, slanting or cracked floors
- Bowing or leaning foundation walls in your basement or crawl space
- Offset cracks in the drywall or plaster walls
- Chimneys, stoops or porches pulling away from the house
- Interior and/or exterior cracks at the corners of doors or windows
- Doors and/or windows not shutting properly
- Gaps forming along doorframes or baseboards
- Sinking concrete next to the foundation
If you have seen any of the above symptoms in your home, you could have underlying structural problems. By having a trained consultant perform an inspection of the inside and outside of your home, they can determine the best solution and help make your family’s world a better place. Call Perma-Seal at 800-421-7325 to schedule a FREE inspection.