Perma-Seal has helped countless homeowners with sunken driveways, porches, sidewalks and patios, but many may not realize we also live on concrete slabs on a commercial scale. Interior slab leveling made easy. Our PolyLevelยฎ Concrete Lifting & Leveling service can effectively raise uneven floors inside your warehouse or commercial property with little or no disruption to normal workflow. Our crews are skilled to lift and level concrete within warehouses, commercial buildings, offices, airport hangers, along with railroads, municipal concrete streets and highways!

In many warehouse environments, minor voids under the slab or control joints cause concrete flexing or displacement which creates unsafe working conditions, as well as maintenance issues with equipment. These voids are typically caused by traffic flow of heavy machinery coupled with poor compaction of the soils beneath the slab. As the slabs begin to flex or settle, sags within the concrete and displacement at the joints often disrupt efficiencies and productivity within the warehouse.
Our PolyLevel system provides a superior solution to fill voids, densify the soils below the slab, and raise the settled concrete. With its quick cure times and high compressive strength, PolyLevel offers an effective solution with little or no disruption to normal work flow of the business operation. Unlike other repair options, the installation of PolyLevel can also be completed in a matter of days, if not hours, without having to remove any interior finishes.
Safety hazards eliminated. A cracked, uneven sidewalk or driveway can create tripping and safety hazards. PolyLevel repairs underlying soil issues and lifts your settled slab back to a level position. Whether the building was constructed on poorly compacted fill, water infiltration underneath the slab caused washout of the soil, or air leakage from under-performing duct work below the concrete resulted in shrinkage of the subgrade, this settlement causes significant damage to the interior finishes of the structure. Often, the damages are so severe that businesses are forced to cease operations until the problem is corrected.

Perma-Seal’s PolyLevel system offers many advantages over traditional methods of repair such as mudjacking or tear out and replacement of the concrete. With its ability to access tight areas, precise lifting ability, and quick cure time, it provides a superior solution for commercial applications that is unmatched all for what can be a fraction of the cost to replace the entire slab area.
Don’t replace it. Raise it! Contact our office today to schedule your free estimate.
Learn more about PolyLevel Concrete Raising & Leveling.