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Hinsdale, IL Basement Drains Prevent Flooding – Learn How

Hinsdale, a town in Illinois that’s part of the Chicago metropolitan area, is known for its wooded topography and rolling landscape. Being in the top 1% of wealthiest towns in the state, Hinsdale boasts beautiful residences and is known for its teardown culture with about 30% of homes being new rebuilds.

Hinsdale homes, both new and old, will mostly have basements underneath them. Though having a basement can be practical and useful, given the weather conditions of Hinsdale – hot summers, cold winters, and thunderstorms in spring and summer – it can also be a source of many moisture issues.

Basements have a tendency to collect water, whether from rain, a rising water table, damaged pipes, or backed up sewers. Being the lowest part of the home, it can be prone to floods, and to help keep it dry, you should have basement drains installed.

Floods in basements can damage electronics, appliances, cause rot in wooden posts, weaken foundations, and foster mold growth which can cause serious health risks. By having a drain installed, you ensure that your basement stays flood-free, thus protecting it from moisture related damage and issues.

But drains aren’t just holes drilled into the ground. They require planning and precision to make sure that the water is truly led away from the house. To help with basement drain installation, call a Perma-Seal professional today. A professional will make sure that basement drains installed can handle the toughest flows of water and that the water drained is led away from the home.

A dry basement is a good thing to have, as it keep your home and family safe and healthy. And one of the most important ways to keep it dry is by having proper basement drains installed. If your basement needs drains, or if you feel your current drain is inadequate, call a Perma-Seal professional today!

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