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Excess Moisture is Bad for Brookfield, IL Basements

Brookfield, IL is a modest-sized community in Cook County. It’s home to the Brookfield Zoo, which is managed by the Chicago Zoological Socity, and it’s open everyday of the year. Brookefield is also home to the Grossdale Train Station, which was built in the 1880s and is the oldest structure in the town. It was built before the town was even founded!

If you are a Brooksfield homeowner, you probably are proud of your town and of your home. If you have excess moisture in your basement, there is no better time than now to get it taken care of by a professional waterproofing company. In the movies, basements are usually portrayed as dark, dank, subterranean rooms where monsters live and where kids are afraid to venture. In reality though, basements serve as extra rooms where people keep their boilers and washing machines, dry their clothes, or sometimes it can be used as a game room or guest room.   No matter how you use your basement, when a home’s humidity rises – often during the winter months, where humidity levels range from 30-50% – this can cause problems. You can tell when there is excess moisture in your basement when there’s rust, moisture or frost buildup, dark stains, water or drip marks, damaged roof sheathing, or when the insulation is wet or moist. The sources of this moisture vary, from the obvious such as baths, showers, washing machines, cooking, or the overuse of humidifiers, to the less noticeable sources such as moisture penetrating through the foundation walls and floors.

Excess Moisture Solution

To take care of excess basement moisture in your home, we can install waterproofing systems, including our line of sump pumps, basement drain systems, underground downspout extensions, and more. Also, we can install a dehumidifier from the SaniDry collection to help with lowering humidity levels.

Benefits to Brookfield Homeowners

When you get rid of basement moisture, you also get rid of the opportunity for mold to grow. Also, you won’t have to worry about this water damaging your family’s belongings, basement walls, floors, ceilings, and so on. Less damage means less money you have to pay for repair work!

If you are having problems with excess moisture, call a professional. By calling a waterproofing professional, you ensure that your basement not only rids itself of its excess moisture problem, but you also make sure that its effects are fixed before it gets worse. Furthermore, a professional can assist you in making sure it won’t happen again, or at least, minimize its impact in the future.

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