Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Use the tabs below to view customer reviews categorized by service provided.
Plumbing Services
Justin had a great personality and that’s why I bought a Hot water heater plus he just got married
Crawl Space Estimate
5 star service from Jim B. and Pete G.
Preventive Maintenance Service
Jake explained everything clearly and is very knowledgeable. Nice working with him.
Preventive Maintenance Service
Jake Baron, was very pleasant, very informative, and very nice. Great representative of Permaseal, and what your company is, and should be about.
Sump pump inspection
JesseThorough and professional service
Very helpful and informative
Crack Repair
Dave S. was an excellent consultant. He was very thorough and explained everything. He was very patient. We accomplished everything and more so.
Preventive Maintenance Service
Keegan was excellent, he did a great job explaining everything and was very professional. A superb company to work with!
Concrete lifting
Tom explained everything very clearly.
Preventive Maintenance Service
Jesse, good service
Preventive Maintenance Service
Great job Jesse.